Seasonal influenza and vaccination strategies-is a paradigm shift needed? A synopsis of the 3rd New Zealand Influenza Symposium, November 2016.

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Influenza continues to be a global public health problem despite the availability of preventive vaccines and public health vaccination programmes. This paper presents a synopsis of the 3rd New Zealand Influenza Symposium (NZiS) that was hosted by the Immunisation Advisory Centre (IMAC) in November 2016.

Experts and service providers convened to discuss current issues in the prevention and management of influenza. One of the key topics discussed was the use of novel vaccines, such as adjuvanted and high-dose vaccines, and antiviral prophylaxis to protect young children and the elderly.

Another area of focus was on paradigms of seasonal influenza vaccination strategies that reduce community transmission and provide individual protection to reduce the burden of influenza. The need for better influenza surveillance and country-specific data to guide policy makers and healthcare providers was highlighted in order to improve population health outcomes.

DOI number

Menu category

Health Professionals


Charania NA, Murfitt D and Turner N


The New Zealand Medical Journal 2017;130(1462):71-9.

Type of research

Journal article

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